Green Kids in her birth city Sulemany at her own primary school ‘Qadam-Xer’ with Kurdish boy band L.S.

The more Green Kids projects the better the team became.

There was a massive team of volunteers who did not have much to do with their free time as many of them were unemployed and unable to get expeience working as young people.

From this they got the opportunity to connect and engage with the children and to work on a great project that gave them work experience. For this project the team went with a very famous band, which was on Kurdish National Flag day. The children were extremely excited escpeially as it was Dashni’s old primary school where she stayed for 5 years before leaving for Holland. The team had no clue on the excitement of the kids. They had no idea that this project would blow up and it turned into a mini concert in the garden leaving little time to distribute the books.

It was a very emotinal trip for Dashni, however she was happy to go back and see how colorful the school was, and how much it had changed for the better. They contioned to provide all of the school materials, colouring the school and creating the garden. Dashni also became good friends with one of her fans called Tarza.